Cotton teaches workshops for Santa Fe Workshops, both in Santa Fe, and Online. He also teaches workshops in Texas, Boston, Nicaragua, and many private teaching sessions in locations all across the world. Consider attending a workshop, and feel free to reach out for requests for private teaching opportunities.


See links below for descriptions, upcoming dates, and links to register. Also check back periodically for updates.

February 11 and 13, 2025
This online seminar provides a comprehensive overview of the most innovative AI tools available to photographers and the transformative potential of AI in your creative practice.
February 21 and 23, 2023
Cultivate your fine-art printmaking skills and instincts to achieve master-quality prints at home with Cotton Miller’s extensive knowledge and expertise in this arena, as well as that of Epson’s Dan Steinhardt.

Private Sessions

You can arrange a private session, either in person, or online on any subject that Cotton covers, including but not limited to:

  • Fine Art Printing
  • Color Management
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • Premiere
  • Alternative Process Printing
  • File/Catalog Management
  • Wet Plate Collodion
  • Web Design